Maria Rodriguez

Why Do Immigrants Get Shortchanged?:
The Case
for Increased Legal Services in
Communities in Ventura County


What is the problem?

The problem that we are trying to address is how difficult it is for immigrants to find and achieve success when they are in need of immigration related legal assistance. Based on our pilot study we found that this population lacks the resources and knowledge needed to achieve a favorable outcome in their case. Most often they are not aware or involved in their community to know what resources are available to them. They do not understand our complicated immigration system and this creates confusion and mistrust. Therefore, they in turn seek legal aid help from unlicensed and unqualified people that defraud them. Putting them and their families at risk of deportation.


What Are the Project Goals/ Outcomes?

The main goal is to develop information that will support making immigrant legal resources more accessible, get more people help with immigration issues, and to keep families together by reducing detentions and deportations that could be prevented.

We plan to set up and meet with our local stakeholders to address and hold them accountable about this issue that is affecting their constituents. Also, we plan to create educational materials to educate undocumented immigrants about legal fraud.